I found another Cotyledon Tomentosa 'Bear Paw' to add to my collection, he's the short one. I repotted them so they could share a pot, and so they're a little dirty. I originally stumbled on this little guy in Walmart in a little succulent dish garden. This is probably my favorite one!
My other favorite...Baby Toes! I lost one of them over the winter, but replaced it over the weekend. These are especially cute. The more sun they get, the more translucent their "toes" are!
Echeveria 'Green Goddess'. I'm excited to see her bloom!
Hi Mandy! Thanks for coming by my blog today! I am excited to read more of yours and for the wall your husband will be building! That will be fun to do. I need to get more creative with my succulent plants...the ones in my screenroom need something. Hmmmmm.....well anyway, I will get on with reading more of your blog now! Take care!