Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lazy Saturday

The past two weeks have been absolutely insane at work.  First, the week before last I had to cover for a co-worker that was off for the entire week.  I'm not usually on the phones, and needless to say, I didn't get a blooming thing done.  I started this past week off a solid week behind on my usual reports, etc.  This week was no better.  We had another project to start and as a result I'm now a solid week and a half behind.  All of this to say, I haven't been online from sheer exhaustion.  I made the choice to work on the most trying report at home this weekend, since I seem to get so much more done on it when I have total silence.  I hate to (and usually refuse to) do any kind of work from home.  This time though, my sanity is worth it and I'll just suck it up and do it.  For some reason though, every time I turn on my laptop, I'm pulled to look at my favorite blogs.  I thought tonight I'd nose around for a bit and then get started.  There is tomorrow after all!

I've finished the 4th Flower Shop Mystery by Kate Collins called Snipped in the Bud.  In Snipped in the Bud, Abby finds herself as the main suspect for the murder of one of her previous law school professors.  I believe at this point, her boyfriend and co-workers have given up on even thinking she's going to keep her nose out of solving the town murders.  I really think they get better with each book, that or I just keep getting more absorbed into the storyline!  I'm reading Acts of Violets right now and as expected...loving it!   I'm trying to get caught up whole series before her new one comes out in April.  I haven't read much the past two weeks either, so I need to get it in gear if I'm going to get through all ten of them before then!

I was protesting today, so the girls and I didn't get out of bed until after 9:30 a.m. and showers weren't considered until nearly noon.  This was our first Saturday in a while with no volleyball games and I made the decision to totally waste it!  Bob was at the deer lease filling feeders, so it was just us girls for most of the afternoon.  We all went to the mall for a bit and then suprised the girls to dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. 

Enough already, if I don't get started on work, I'll never get to post pictures of my new succulents I bought last weekend nor of the front bed I hope to get done tomorrow afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you took the time out to relax. now yo can start the week feeling alittle more refreshed. Will look forward to seeing your new plants. I need to get in gear and get my tomato and roses planted.
