Saturday, January 1, 2011

Easily Entertained

One of the gifts we got the girls this year was the Just Dance 2 game for the Wii.  I've watched both of them jump around, sadly the little one has about as much talent has her mother, but the big one on the other hand has a bit of rhythm.  Anyways, it was while watching the big one tonight that I felt energized to try it out myself.  Who cares that I'm wearing blue pajamas with pink cats and shoes all over them; they added to the loonish look of me trying to dance! I think I made it through 5 songs, each time saying I was done.  The Bollywood belly dance one was especially fun; I think I ranked near perfect on that one!!  The girls laughed and I stepped on the dog causing her to flee the room rather quickly.   That was on song four though, I missed her on all the others...that should count for something.  It was a workout, and I was rather proud of myself when I was done.  Next time I'm going to try the Proud Mary song as I've heard it's a sweat inducer; hopefully I'll have the sense to turn the heater off first. 

I can't believe that it's past my bedtime and I haven't cracked opened a book yet.  Not a good way to start a new year!  I wish I could say that I'd made great progress cleaning out today, but no...I did watch several episodes of Pitbulls and Parolees with the little one though.  She's obsessed with anything animal control or cops, and fortunately for us there was a marathon on today! 

I'm rethinking my goal of reading through the Bible again this year.  As I've thought back on it today, while I'm almost done, I really just read.  I think I'll set aside that goal and instead focus on quality reading and maybe some different Bible studies.  Maybe I'll make the read-through goal and every other yearer.  I don't exactly know, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. 

Happy New Year!


  1. We also got Just Dance 2, and it's been interesting. I'm still trying to figure out what the game expects exactly. I definitely want to get DDR for the Wii. I had a blast with it on the XBox.

  2. It's tricky getting in sync with least for my rhythm challenged self! We want DDR the meantime I'll try and keep up with this one!

  3. I can't wait until I visit. Except that we need to do this while the girls and Bob are gone. No sense in giving them anything to roll on the floor about.

    I also agree with you on the Bible reading. I know that we had started out together and I stopped. I guess it is easier for me to do a Bible study ( expecially one with Beth Moore). I thought of checking around and seeing if any of the churches were doing one of hers, but you know the mother-in-law needs me here, so I suppose I will do one myself. I am very proud of you and your stick ability. Love you, Mother.
